.Monday, April 23, 2007 ' 4/23/2007 05:06:00 PM Y
adopted from faustine's blog for saturday's entry. hehe. i'm just too lazy to type la. its edited though. highlighted those i edited. hee!!
here it goes:
went to airport with faustine and valerie to study. so met faustine at tanah merah control station first and we headed to eastpoint popular to buy stationary.supposed to meet faustine at 11 but she left her ez-link card at home so she went back to get it and because of that stupid ez-link card she missed the bus. then she waited for another one. soon the bus came but it broke down. so waited for another bus to come.good thing it came fast or she will be super extremely pissed!ok so met her at tanah merah station then go popular at eastpoint. buy all the stuff ready then go meet val. suppose to meet her at simei but she ask us to go first. so we went airport first then walked around for a place to study but cannot find one cos no seat.then after that went to meet val at the long long escalator. then we found seat at starbucks so we went there to study.she didn't really study but at least she did her english and some of her maths and science homework(: ok then cos peak hour like around 3.30pm so the damn person ask us go somewhere else cos ppl complain got no seat. of all the ppl studying he must call us to go somewhere else.idiot.ya then we went macs eat fries and ice-cream!HAHA.saw someone look like shirley and jasmine.ok then after eating went home.she was almost late cos her mum ask her to be home by 4.45pm and it was like 4.30 when we were still at the airport toilet.so took mrt back to tanah merah station then cabbed home(:
back to my story(:
well. i did chem ws and emaths test paper. didnt quite finish it though. studied physics. think i did like 6 chapters or something. yup. so proud of myself la! hee. yup!
as for sunday. heh. cant pretty much remember what i did. had chinese tuition. oh wait. before i forget. i waited for SOMEONE to tell me a bedtime story till 11.30 and guess what. she fell asleep okay! sigh. but i still managed to wake up at 10am to go for tuition. yup! then eh.. seriously. i think i got stm la even though it only happened yesterday. wahaha! but i remember i went for dinner with my grandparents! yup. at some weird weird place. oh wait! i liked the signboard of the shop opp our eating place la! they sell lights then the board was damn cool. cos of the pictures of the buildings. didnt manage to take down pictures though. yup.
went for choir's syf today. yup. it was. well. i guess alright. not gonna further comment. then we got back at like 11.30am can?! so everyone stayed in the canteeen till 12.45pm! wahaha. we ate then played bingo! and i wrote a letter(: amazing can. we were happily playing bingo while the rest of the class was dozing off from lessons. wahaha! had chem extra lessons after school. mmm! he did a summary of the chapter we just did. on fuel(: then gave us a test on atomi structure and bonding. thought it was quite alright(: some of the questions were repeated. well. its from the SAP tys la. yum yum. oh ya. am reading this book. a million little pieces. looks good. about this guy who took alcohol and drug from age of 10 and is only 23 now but he's body is already spoilt. yup. the guy is actually the author himself. cool huh.
here's a picture of desiree&my tickets(:

pictures of the still-building ferris wheel for my sister to see(:
i couldnt catch the casino one. will try it if we pass the highway again this weekend.

i did this logo thing while writing a letter! wahaha!

yes. before i forget. my darling sister flew this parcel back to singapore for me. but i think my maid threw the box away. cant find it. argh! she made me a card personally. then bought this paul frank boxers and a long sleeve top(:

DID YOU SEE THIS? ITS DUMB DUMB!!!!! goodness. I MISS HIM! stupid sister. how can you forget about him?! and leave him in boring perthy?! he's such a cutey pie(:

ahh. okie. mid year exams and chinese prelims is in like SEVEN days. oh crap. this is too fast for me to absorb! bleah. chichi's dying soooon.
.Thursday, April 19, 2007 ' 4/19/2007 08:10:00 PM Y
received our progress card 2 today. improved more this time round. previously failed 7 tests i think. haha. now i only failed 3! haha. hopefully next round dont have any underlined marks. yup!
gonna have a farewell party for mrs loh tmr. yup. so as a graduating class, we'll have to present her a gift. my class came up with a bear wearing a shirt idea then transform a collage into a puzzle piece. the bear will be wearing a shirt which has our class picture on it. but sadly, they need a week to get it done. even express still cannot. so we just bought the shirt for the bear and 2 fabric markers. then ms ros found out that they needed 5 days to make the puzzle. so we abolished that idea too. sigh! so in the end, dearest 4/8 came up with the idea of writing our names on the shirt. we'll put the bear inside this biggie box sponsored by su an. then jennifer made a folder yesterday which has our messages and our pictures. yup. so its quite good(: we rock la. haha!
stayed back with faustine today to study. yum yum. did a lot of hw. but she didnt. mmm! only stayed till 4 plus then my daddy came to fetch me. haha. then she went to meet up with her friends. yup.
oh man, TGIF tomorrow la. i'm dying already. only left with 11 days to mid year and chinese prelims can! walao. totally siao. time is running like mad! how can this be happening?! i cant breathe any longer..... JIE WHERE ARE YOU?!
.Saturday, April 07, 2007 ' 4/07/2007 04:27:00 PM Y
yay! my internet is working again. well. miraculously. wahaha! after my sister told me la. mmm. oh ya. faustine's my personal blogger. hee. yea. as she said. i went starbucks yesterday to study. with dawn okay. NOT ALONE. yum yum. oh ya. my sister is coming back tonight! so i just booked a table at soup restaurant then we'll fetch her after dinner. yay! she'll only be back for a week this time round. then the next time i see her again. will be the time she ended her graduation papers. eh. do you call it that way? aiya heck.
time has been really rushing for me. just realised its already 7th april and my prelims for my chinese paper and mid year starts on the 30th of april. sigh!
had first round of recruiting for council on thursday. business was damn bad la. all sec 3s somemore eh. die die. hope it'll be better on tuesday. crap. i just remembered that i'm supposed to study with faustine on tues. bleah. shall run away from interview. studies more important now okay.
i think my mum just found her new hobby. do puzzle. she just finished that dumbo set. 950pieces. they just left house to go tampines mall's puzzle world to get the pooh bear one. its a thousand pieces. yup. i dont care okay. i'm not opening my mickey set for her to do. i'm only opening that after my o's. so i guess after o's i'll be at home trying to do my puzzle and watching lots and lots of teevee(:
talking about teevee. now channel 55 got new show! at 8pm. the old era show. got lin feng! so handsome! goodness can. and huang zongze(: -faints-
life has been.. weird for me these days. lots of things happened. i dont understand la. human are just so complicated to understand. sigh. maybe i'm too young to understand it fully......
.Friday, April 06, 2007 ' 4/06/2007 07:53:00 PM Y
Faustine is here to be huang chi's personal blogger!HAHA!! okay today she went starbucks to study.dunno whether with friends or alone la.HAHA! ok then she bought 2 new books la.huang chi is like a maths freak la.she love maths so much la!never see people like that before.hahah!!okay i dunno what to blog about la.ok bye!