.Monday, October 30, 2006 ' 10/30/2006 07:58:00 PM Y
blingbling!!i finally cut my hair!haa..its much shorter now.mmm!i look totally like a doll la.haa.mmm.went to mel and suiee's hairstylist to cut it.haa.its like just at eastwood.mmm.yiggie and mel cut their hair too.well!they totally look like they never cut la ok.just me.haa.huge difference.mmm!
went out with jingyin.val.mel today to suntec.yes.suntec again.suiee joined us aftea while later cos she had to join her church friends.yea.dearest mel thought her church ends at 1.so we wanted to meet 1 outside her church.she called me in the morning to wake me up.good.but like at eleven forty-five?she called again to say her church ended.so wth.she came over to my place.i was so nice that i cooked maggi mee for her.haa.HUANGCHI ROCKS(:went out at around one plus.saw my cousins!they gave us a lift to tanah merah.haa!so sweet.we didnt have to perspire.haaa.we wanted to watch death note.but we missed the one o'clock show.so we didnt watch it in the end.sigh!suiee came to join us.ate at macs.yupp.then we walked around.to look for my clothes for work shadowing.this is so irritating la.whenever i have money,i cant find any nice clothes.when i dont have money,i cant find any nice clothes.so i didnt buy any clothes.haa.so rude.saw many shoes.like we walked into every shop in suntec.well.just the first level la.haa.at four thirty we decided to come over to my place to watch teevee.haaa.val went over to bugis to meet her sister.then we took ten to my place.sigh.totally boring.shall go buy more shows la.haa.
i forgot about something!I FINALLY WENT FOR TRAINING!HAA.i totally love golf la ok.practiced one hundred balls.cool seh!haa.had a blister.but its ok alr.haa.well.whilei went to train,my parents and my sister went for swimming.haa.saw this small boy training too.haa.so cute.he can hit la.i think i'll get my kids to train in the future too.haa.maybe they'll end up like michelle wie(:(:haa.kids can take up golf faster and better than adults.haa.cos they dont think as much as we do!thats why tiger woods is so good.mmm!
pictures time!

huangchi before the hair cut

huangchi after the hair cut

my retarded sister.hahaaa..

Dr Tsang from Tan Tock Seng hospital shaking hands with her patient Ms Tian.

them again laughing and chatting.
err.thats yesterday's entry actually.haa.it got stuck.didnt post it.yep.went for emaths tutorial today.haa.ms ros didnt come.well.she went for o's invigilation.so mrs cheong came in.and ms masura came after our break.yep.went out with jingyin.suiee.mel and becky today.haa.well.supposed to celebrate mel.becky.van and yiggie's birthday.but only mel and becky came in the end.mmm.went cine.haa.watched death note.i like light.haa.he's cute la ok.well.L is clever but got no looks.haa.ok.i'm so mean.walked walked.went for late lunch.but i was already full from the wedges and popcorns.haa.just had tako balls.yummy.went home after that.well.becky and jy took train.the three of us took 14.its like freaking crowded la.stopped at siglap.got dinner for my sister.ha.suiee left first then mel and i went to get starbucks(:(:yummy.I WANT STARBUCKS' TUMBLER!-screams-mel got hers.her mummy allowed her to.ahh.JIE CAN YOU GET IT FOR ME?(:(:haa.bought gelare sandwich for my sister then mel gave me a lift home(:
.Sunday, October 29, 2006 ' 10/29/2006 08:38:00 PM Y
blingbling!!i finally cut my hair!haa..its much shorter now.mmm!i look totally like a doll la.haa.mmm.went to mel and suiee's hairstylist to cut it.haa.its like just at eastwood.mmm.yiggie and mel cut their hair too.well!they totally look like they never cut la ok.just me.haa.huge difference.mmm!
went out with jingyin.val.mel today to suntec.yes.suntec again.suiee joined us aftea while later cos she had to join her church friends.yea.dearest mel thought her church ends at 1.so we wanted to meet 1 outside her church.she called me in the morning to wake me up.good.but like at eleven forty-five?she called again to say her church ended.so wth.she came over to my place.i was so nice that i cooked maggi mee for her.haa.HUANGCHI ROCKS(:went out at around one plus.saw my cousins!they gave us a lift to tanah merah.haa!so sweet.we didnt have to perspire.haaa.we wanted to watch death note.but we missed the one o'clock show.so we didnt watch it in the end.sigh!suiee came to join us.ate at macs.yupp.then we walked around.to look for my clothes for work shadowing.this is so irritating la.whenever i have money,i cant find any nice clothes.when i dont have money,i cant find any nice clothes.so i didnt buy any clothes.haa.so rude.saw many shoes.like we walked into every shop in suntec.well.just the first level la.haa.at four thirty we decided to come over to my place to watch teevee.haaa.val went over to bugis to meet her sister.then we took ten to my place.sigh.totally boring.shall go buy more shows la.haa.
i forgot about something!I FINALLY WENT FOR TRAINING!HAA.i totally love golf la ok.practiced one hundred balls.cool seh!haa.had a blister.but its ok alr.haa.well.whilei went to train,my parents and my sister went for swimming.haa.saw this small boy training too.haa.so cute.he can hit la.i think i'll get my kids to train in the future too.haa.maybe they'll end up like michelle wie(:(:haa.kids can take up golf faster and better than adults.haa.cos they dont think as much as we do!thats why tiger woods is so good.mmm!
pictures time!

huangchi before the hair cut

huangchi after the hair cut

my retarded sister.hahaaa..

Dr Tsang from Tan Tock Seng hospital shaking hands with her patient Ms Tian.

them again laughing and chatting.
. ' 10/29/2006 08:20:00 PM Y
oh my.i feel retard-ness in me.i blogged and its gone.dont wnat to blog alr la.ha.shall just post pics.

huangchi before the hair cut.

huangchi after the hair cut.

my retarded sister.haaa

Dr Tsang from Tan Tock Seng hospital shaking hands with her patient,Ms Tian

them laughing and chatting.
. ' 10/29/2006 07:53:00 PM Y
blingbling!!i finally cut my hair!haa..its much shorter now.mmm!i look totally like a doll la.haa.mmm.went to mel and suiee's hairstylist to cut it.haa.its like just at eastwood.mmm.yiggie and mel cut their hair too.well!they totally look like they never cut la ok.just me.haa.huge difference.mmm!
went out with jingyin.val.mel today to suntec.yes.suntec again.suiee joined us aftea while later cos she had to join her church friends.yea.dearest mel thought her church ends at 1.so we wanted to meet 1 outside her church.she called me in the morning to wake me up.good.but like at eleven forty-five?she called again to say her church ended.so wth.she came over to my place.i was so nice that i cooked maggi mee for her.haa.HUANGCHI ROCKS(:went out at around one plus.saw my cousins!they gave us a lift to tanah merah.haa!so sweet.we didnt have to perspire.haaa.we wanted to watch death note.but we missed the one o'clock show.so we didnt watch it in the end.sigh!suiee came to join us.ate at macs.yupp.then we walked around.to look for my clothes for work shadowing.this is so irritating la.whenever i have money,i cant find any nice clothes.when i dont have money,i cant find any nice clothes.so i didnt buy any clothes.haa.so rude.saw many shoes.like we walked into every shop in suntec.well.just the first level la.haa.at four thirty we decided to come over to my place to watch teevee.haaa.val went over to bugis to meet her sister.then we took ten to my place.sigh.totally boring.shall go buy more shows la.haa.
i forgot about something!I FINALLY WENT FOR TRAINING!HAA.i totally love golf la ok.practiced one hundred balls.cool seh!haa.had a blister.but its ok alr.haa.well.whilei went to train,my parents and my sister went for swimming.haa.saw this small boy training too.haa.so cute.he can hit la.i think i'll get my kids to train in the future too.haa.maybe they'll end up like michelle wie(:(:haa.kids can take up golf faster and better than adults.haa.cos they dont think as much as we do!thats why tiger woods is so good.mmm!
pictures time!

huangchi before the hair cut

huangchi after the hair cut

my retarded sister.hahaaa..

Dr Tsang from Tan Tock Seng hospital shaking hands with her patient Ms Tian.

them again laughing and chatting.
.Monday, October 23, 2006 ' 10/23/2006 07:48:00 PM Y
disappointment is all i have for this school.i'm not sure.been rather pessimistic these days.not sure why too.for the first time,i flared up at my friends when they werent at fault.***** caused me to do it.i really dont ok.i was still telling someone last night that i got a huge feeling something bad would happen today during rehearsal.and it did.i'll never make guesses anymore.thank god for nicole to be there today.she helped a lot.i shall just heed her advice.came online and i saw debbie's message.well.it was her reply to my previous post.guess it would really work for me.hope it does.seriously hope it does..
.Sunday, October 22, 2006 ' 10/22/2006 07:54:00 PM Y
what makes a good leader?
i didnt want to think of this question initially till i saw an email.i tried my best.i put in effort.i tries ways and means to get my job done well.it just seemed like nobody appreciates what i do.esp *****.it really upset me a lot.*****thankes her for whatever she had done.in front of me,***** acted like as if nothing happened and was on my side.behind my back,***** is like backstabbing me.like pls,given your position,you shouldnt be doing it ok.if you are seriously not happy with me,i rather you come to me and explain.i know i didnt do my job well this time but is it really to this extend that you have to backstab me?you dont know how serious this can get.i respect you for who you are.some people think that you are not exactly doing well in your position but somehow,i felt that you really treat us well.i helped you.maybe you dont know that i do.but it gets really frustrating ok.being betrayed by someone you trusted.its not credits which i want ok.its understanding which i want.
i was just talking to someone on the phone last night.i found out lots of things about this stupid school.i didnt know things were so atrocious ok.i guess the only thing i can expect about reality in this school is the unexpected.i'm not sure if the things that person told me was true but..i choose to trust her.had quite some fun talking to her.haa.told me lots of stories.i found out things i never thought would have happened.haaa..so funny.
supposed to go out with suiee mel jingyin val today to watch death note.but suiee's dad is leaving tonight so she decided to pei him.dearest mel suddenly had stomachache this morning so she didnt join us too.haa.so ended up with the three of us.went to bugis and we watched rob-b-hood.haa.i finally watched it.the two of them watched it alr but the decided to pei me watch it agn.haa.yay.might be watching death note sometime this week.haa.val and i had starbucks.i had the usual mocha frap and val had her usual caramel frap.our favourites.ha.mel didnt get it today.yummy.wanted to get a present after that but couldnt think of any nice thing to get for her.so chose to get it when i watch death note.haa.

us in the train(:

.Monday, October 16, 2006 ' 10/16/2006 09:52:00 PM Y
heyhey.finally decided to blog.haaa.spent my weekend at ngee ann poly.quite a cool place.well.its my sister's school.so yup.had council training at the convention centre.kinda lazy to update about the details.haa.took some pics(:

in jee's car on our way to bugis.its a jaguar!jee's my lead mentor for the project(:successful and cool woman!

a biggie poster at ngee ann convention centre

me and dawn dawn(:

me and audrey!sweetie girl=]
the course lasted for 2 days.but the whole training is going to last for another 15weeks.haa.looking forward to it and the end product(: oh yea.jee is my lead mentor.my actual mentor wasnt with us cos he's training another bunch of adults.thats what jee said.jee's my mentor,loon's girlfriend!so cool.ok.jee is a damn successful woman at her age.ok.she's only freaking 24 and guess what.she already published a book of her own,wrote a musical that was shown twice and now,she's opening a clinic for those autistic kids.she majors in psychology.oh gosh.-screams-haa.my role model ok.she allows me to visit her clinic when its open!yay!so sweet of her.ahh.met up with my parents and we went over to parkway for dinner.went fish mart(:cant post the pics.mmmm.
had school today.but school today is totally so different ok.helped jy with her council project.haa.its not exactly successful but wells.we had lotsa learnin points.hope that her sec2 inter-class comp will work out.haa.heard that pc's iron baker thing and pcc's car wash were success.yay!haa.ok.we totally slacked after 11 la.
i found out a problem.but instead of running from it,i decided to face it.i told her what i really feel.my fear.now everything is back to normal.how i wish i did it in my previous mistake and nothing would have happened...we like slept till 1plus?haaa.so cool seh!went for learning journey after that.well.was kinda worried that the thing is gonna be damn boring since those who came back said so.well.with those peeps i went with,it wasnt!haaa.partnered jy cos someone dumped me.haa.my hot date(: took a river trial at s'pore river.learnt about some trading history.then took cable car at harbourfront!took it with jy,val,suiee,yiggie and mel.oh my.JINGYIN CRIED!gosh la.she was so scared can.yiggie videoed it down.haaa.i took some pics of her crying.its in becky's camera.guess she'll upload it soon.haaa.should have let jingyin sat at the corner.guess she'll scream through out the ride likenobody's business.haaaa..went over to the mall.had starbucks with mel mel.haa.ice mocha frap!but we didnt cut out our logo this time round.sigh.shall do it another day.mmm.went over to PSA building.haa.my godmummy's workplace.haa.but it was just a intro of 5mins and we left for school cos it was too late.reached school around 6.haa.jy and i kept sleeping during the ride.so fun.
suiee's mum came to fetch us.went to bedok inter cos her mum had to get their dinner and we had to get stuffs for tmr.ha.going over to suiee's to party tmr!haa.like early in the morning i guess.gonna ask mel ltr.jy coming.oh.and val and shush!haa.yay!movie marathon!yummy!!
.Friday, October 13, 2006 ' 10/13/2006 06:12:00 PM Y
finally the exams are over! -screams-
jingyin came over to my place to change.suiee then went over to mel's.well.we were alr ready at 11.30.but wells.those 2 girls were just not ready.so jy and i watched teevee all the way till 1.45.then we left the house.then we took a bus to suntec.haa.we wanted to watch rob-b-hood.but didnt manage to.cos there wasnt any time slot for us.the earliest was 4.45.jingyin cant make it.wanted to watch you me dupree.tried to get tics but they wanted our i/cs.even suiee cant get in.moreover us and dearest mel dont even have her i/c yet.so we ended up walking around.haa.ate at macs.well.they did.i wasnt hungry.haa.went around walking to the shops.i think.cant remember.haaa..we were talking abt cutting our hair.might be cutting mine with mel.but she's waiting till the last day of school.ahh!have to sacrifice myself.mmm!jingyin left first.sigh.walked over to marina square.but we ended up doing nothing.mel was just there irritating me.by describing all the shops.like wth.suiee wanted to go millenia walk to ask for sujan's dance timeslot.but we tried ways to get out of the place.but to no avail.sigh.only managed to walk back and fro.all of us got tired.so we decided just to head home.haa..
today.went to school for ex-co meeting.talked abt council projects and achievers' day.and wear-what-you-like day.left school at 12plus.mmm.suiee had to pass mel her clothes.so we went over to mel's.then me,val,jy,suiee went to plaza sing.wanted to watch rob-b-hood.but.tics were out!ahh!!!i think we're really not fated to watch that show.so we decided to just get the cd when its out and save up for death note.haa..it'll be ot next thurs.muahaha!had our lunch at kopitiam.slacked around cos we were just too full.went back around 3plus?yea.cos va had to go baby-sitting and jingyin had to be home early.suiee and i took bus back.the bus took a freaking long time.so we took some lame pics.what can you expect from us?haa.

suiee kissing the glass pane.

stuck on the pane.

.Wednesday, October 11, 2006 ' 10/11/2006 09:23:00 PM Y
mm!left with one last paper tmr.physics/bio mcq.hope i'll do well.(:went to parkway today.mmm!had laksa.so yummy.haa.walked and walked.didnt spend a lot of time tehre.cos we were just too bored.mel couldnt find what to get for her some.then her mum told her not to get and just go out for dinner with her.mmm!went over to suiee's after that.watched the nun and dorm.haa.it wasnt that scary afterall.dorm is so friendship kinda show.according to mel,it has a sad ending.haa.went home around 6.studied(:haa.and now i'm online.
i seriously think i take things really hard.i dont know whats wrong with me.i tihnk its coming back agn.really really dont like it ok.sigh.i dont know what to do.i'm really exhausted about it...
mel's too.haa.

me and mel drinking ice blended mocha.
-missing banana choco blended-
.Sunday, October 08, 2006 ' 10/08/2006 02:16:00 PM Y
mmmm.my parents' colleagues came over yesterday.for some lunch-cum-dinner gathering.haha.chat with them.mmm.they're gonna lend me some korean shows after my exams.hahha..can save money le(: suiee mel and sujan came over to my place.jingyin couldnt come.well.we were supposed to be studying but none of us got the mood.wanted to watch slither but its boring.so we wanted to watch she's the man.mmm.but stuffs happened so we ended up watching full house.haha.till 11plus?they called a cab and went back.
supposed to meet jingyin today.thought i couldnt make it today so i told her i cant but now i can but she cant.haha.so we decided to just meet up tmr.haha.my new date(:
mmm.gonna continue mugging.tata!!
.Friday, October 06, 2006 ' 10/06/2006 09:55:00 PM Y
ok.finally the week is over.shall give myself a nice break today and continue mugging tmr.haha.today's emaths paper 2 seems quite alright.just that there're aome questions i dont know how to do.sigh.but its ok.shall work harder for the next 4!haha.mmm.been spending my days with suiee mel and jy.haha.wanted to upload my pics yesterday but my internet broke down.grr!but gonna buy a new router alr!hahha.have to give my cousin a call ltr.mmm!
went over to the airport yesterday.went crystal jade.had yummy congee.haha.so yummy.keke!mel and suiee were damn high la.well.more of mel.she kept disturbing suiee with MY HP.suiee couldnt take it then she started using jy's hp.haha.so wth.damn crap la ok.jy and i were damn worried abt our phones.*poor us*haha.went over to bk after that to study.haha.we really studied!for 3hrs plus until mel said that she cant concentrate alr.then i started stoning and looking out.cos i was sitting at this place where i can see the long long escalator with the cool window panes.haha.so i started day dreaming.it was till abt 4.30 when we started crapping.haha.oh ya!SUIEE IS THE DUSTBIN MANAGER!haha.damn cool right?(: took train and bus back.mm.had tuition.well.slept early cos i couldnt do any more maths.
went over to suiee's place today to study.haha.went to some yong tau foo shop at siglap.so yummyy and cheap.well!we didnt study today la.haha.by the time we got back to suiee's house, we started to watch the nun.stupid cd.haha.we only watched the front part.haha.went to change and went over to tanah merah cos suiee had to pass emyza some books.went back agn.haha.mel and i decided to go to the function room to study.haha.something hilarious happened when we got there.haha..shall not reveal here in case someone gets angry.haha!!well.suiee and i went to book the teevee.haha.watched lotsa mtv.haha.and zong yi da ge da.haha.so funny.we got hungry then suiee's grandma cooked wanton mee for us.so yummy but its oo spicy.only jy can take it.haha.su jan joined us and got hooked by the cabled teevee.haha.so funny.sent jy off then mel and i started looking at suiee's pics.haha.well.mel kept laughing.i tihnk i passed her my laugh-cum-lameness.haha.my mood wasnt exactly there.suiee came up ltr then we started looking at pics on friendster.hahha.went back around 7plus.well.suiee went out for dinner.mel went to meet her mum at taka and my darling-est parents came to fetch me!hahha.so sweet(:

the four of us(:

where's suiee?

in the train.unglam-ness

mel&suiee@ suiee's place

